Integrated Planning


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Brown was the project manager for the facilitation, planning process development, and report preparation of the 1996 IRP—a high-level, comprehensive analysis of a water resources plan for Southern California over a 25-year planning horizon. The IRP was designed to enable a high level of member agency and public participant involvement in reaching an appropriate balance of imported and local water supplies to achieve a least cost mix that satisfied environmental, risk and reliability, and affordability considerations. During the implementation phase of the IRP, Brown provided advisory services to MWD in support of the procurement of off-stream storage and dry-year supplies on the Colorado River Aqueduct System. Brown is currently providing advisory services on the 2020 IRP Update being prepared by Metropolitan.

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City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation

Brown served as project director and lead facilitator for the planning policy framework development phase of the City of Los Angeles' Integrated Resources Plan. In addition to facilitating extensive stakeholder workshops designed to develop community objectives and performance measures, the project included the development of a complex simulation tool that modeled the relationship among physical systems and stakeholder objectives for three interdependent water systems: wastewater, recycled water, and stormwater.

Over a three-year period, Brown served as lead facilitator for a series of technical planning workshops that established stakeholder preferences, developed 21 initial alternatives, and narrowed those alternatives to four. Those four will meet the projected increase in wastewater flow while maximizing the beneficial reuse of recycled water and urban runoff, optimizing the use of existing facilities and water resources, reducing pollution, and reducing dependency on imported water. Over 100 community leaders participated with the city in completing the plan for the future of wastewater, recycled water, and urban runoff management.

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City of San Diego Water Department

Brown assisted the City of San Diego Water Department in developing tools necessary to plan for long-range water supply, as well as providing assistance for the application of those tools. The interactive process involved CDM Smith, Department staff and the Department’s Public Advisory Board.

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